Tuesday, October 10, 2006



I have been chosen to spread the Word(s) and these words are: Wakka Wakka.
These words (which I invented 4 years ago) may change your life and enrich your soul. I have no idea wht they mean. They were not invented by Fozzie Bear, Garfield, Pac-Man, or anybody else; they do not refer to the New York-based theater company, Australian dance company, or anything else; and finally, it is not spelled "Waka Waka", which is how my friends corrupted it. I should know how to spell it, right? After all, it's my invention!
My catchphrase has become widepread enough to make the South African band CapeTown's "Waka Waka" Afrikaans-language song our class anthem (yes, I realize that it's misspelled but at least they pronounce it right).
So, remember--with Wakka Wakka, you can't go wrong!

TODAY'S BOOK: "Hot Water", by P.G. Wodehouse ((c) 1932)

TODAY'S MOVIE: "The Sum of All Fears", from Paramount (2002)

WWWW2?: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

TODAY'S WEBSITE: www.azlyrics.com If it's been performed and reasonably unobscure, chances are good you'll be a ble to find it on the A-Z Lyrics search engine. Type in a performer, title or key phrase and watch the results come up! For songs from movie soundtracks, visit the companion site SoundTrack Lyrics at www.stlyrics.com.


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