Monday, September 01, 2008


Dedicated to all those poor innocent students who dread the First of September

Summer has come and passed,
The vacation can never last;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Leaving behind all the fun en masse--
Seventy days have gone so fast.
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Here we go back to school again,
Trudging through the halls.
Sitting at our desks again,
Getting bored out of our skulls.

As my attention rests,
My mind goes back to what I've lost;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Summer has come and passed,
The vacation can never last;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Ring out the bells again,
Signalling that the end began;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Here we go back to school again,
Trudging through the halls.
Sitting at our desks again,
Getting bored out of our skulls.

As my attention rests,
My mind goes back to what I've lost;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Summer has come and passed,
The vacation can never last;
Wake me up when the school year ends.

Leaving behind all the fun en masse;
Nine more more moths--alack! alas!
Wake me up when the school year ends.
Wake me up when the school year ends.
Wake me up when the school year ends.

TODAY'S BOOK: "Billy Boyle", by James R. Benn ((c) 2006)

TODAY'S WEBSITE: Sure, so it's been prominently displayed on the blog practically since Day 1, but what the heck. Congratulations,, you are Today's Website. Dead useful. Seriously.


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