Friday, March 27, 2009


261st post

"A pretty good idea." -- USS Internet
"A very good story." -- ravenfan10
"Cool story!" -- catspee
"Great stuff!" -- night wire (fellow fanfic writer)
"I now crown you the King of Suspense... Thank you for a strong case of the goosebumps." -- BAColeNC (49-year-old NaNoWriMo winner)
"You have my approval." -- PsychicMaster ( user)
"That is so so so good!" -- Pollimigo
"Good stuff." -- silky (24-year-old Connecticut coast guard)
"This is a really awesome story!" -- Ravenisawesome
"This is by far the most interesting TT story I've ever read... Holy mother of cheese that's awesome... You. Rock. Out. Loud." -- blackbird15
"Kind of reminds me of As I Lay Dying by Faulkner... Reading this story is like watching a new episode." -- SteveM
"I like... no, I love this story!" -- TeenTitans4Ever (13 year old)
"Keep it up!" -- pachylad142857 (Singaporean)
"I....... I......... I can't say anything!! Except, this is FRICKING AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! I want more!!!!!! Pleaseohpleaseohplease!!!!!!!!!!" -- BBs clone (13 year old)
"I take my hat off to you, sir. I've never found a single fanfiction with so much emotion and power crammed into it. Bittersweet and full of both great humor and dark moments." -- Tatterdemalion

It's so nice to receive praise for one's first foray into fanfiction. :-)

TODAY'S BOOK: "Finn Family Moomintroll", by Tove Jansson ((c) 1948)


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