Sunday, February 28, 2010


Herr Doktor Gunther von Vilhelm, MAN OFF SZIENCE!!!!

Greetinks from der Israelcountrie, I am Herr Doktor Gunther von Vilhelm, szientist off der schteampunk varietien, undt I am not really real beink also an ego-altern off Herr Menachem Jerenberg (aka MakFanOffMetz) created especiallink fur Purimschpiel!

I haff googles, ein trench-koaten, ein hatski, ein cigar, gloven, really tight booten, undt a really schnazzie bow-tie! Also please to be noten: der VEAPONEN OFF DOOMERIE!

Fear me undt mine schteampunky hypo-schpray, puny mortallen! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! For I am Herr Doktor Gunther von Vilhelm, undt I bring you doomy szience off DOOM!!!!!

TODAY'S BOOK: "The Night Raiders: Israel's Naval Commandos at War", by Samuel M. Katz ((c) 1997)

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