Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Nobody Cares Day

I hereby declare today to be Intrawebal "Nobody Cares" Day!
The Mets just fired Willie Randolph, but I don't care.
I saw a wall-eyed man on the bus tomorrow, but I don't care.
Iran wants to nuke us, but I don't care.
The school year is over, but I don't care.
The Teen Titans Go! comic book has been cancelled, but I don't care.
Obama's leading in the polls, but I don't care.
William Shatner wears a toupee, but I don't care.
I set a new record for hits in a week and two new records for hits in a day last week, but I don't care.
Gay marriages have started in California, but I don't care.
Wakka wakka, but I don't care.
The polar ice caps are melting, but I don't care.
Jimmy cracks corn, but I don't care.
Josh Hamilton wears #32, but I don't care.
There are children starving in Africa, but I don't care.
Gilad Shalit is still kidnapped, but I don't care.
The Jagermonsters are funy, but I don't care.
MegaMaid has gone from "Suck" to "Blow", but I don't care.
P.S. - Nobody cares.

TODAY'S BOOK: "Whatever", by Don't Know ((c) don't care?)


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