Friday, February 29, 2008
Randomly reprinted post (I)
I am the eggman. They are the eggmen.
If by any chance you have now been or ever were changed into a giant cockroach, call 1-800-KAFKA now.
Is it 'better safe than pregnant' or 'better late than pregnant'? Oh well, they're both funny.
:-) :-( :-P :-/ :-D I've also seen how to draw a hand with a raised middle finger like this, but don't remember quite how. Lucky you.
If you start to drink prune juice and you keep drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking and drinking until you all of a sudden feel an overpowering urge to go to the bathroom, stop drinking.
TODAY'S BOOK: 'David Letterman: On Stage and Off', by Rosemarie Lennon ((c) 1994)
TODAY'S MOVIE: 'The Jungle Book', from Disney (1967)
TODAY'S WEBSITE: Having recently celebrated its 1,500,000th entry, what is possibly the most useful online encyclopedia is still going strong. My personal favorite uses of it are looking up comic books and old movies. The good news: anybody can edit an entry. The bad news: anybody can edit an entry."
--21st post, 11/27/06
Labels: reprint
Monday, February 25, 2008
105th post
Gets old fast, huh? Agreement at hand.
TODAY'S BOOK: "Shoeless Joe", by W.P. Kinsella ((c) 1982)
Labels: random
Monday, February 18, 2008
104th post

Labels: biographical, cartoon
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
{32X3+32/3-(3&2/3)}st post
Carlos Muniz, currently in the Mets' Spring Training camp at Port St. Lucie, is an outside contender (midnight-pitch black horse, really) for the Opening Day bullpen. Should he somehow make it in, he would do so wearing number 32, thus becoming the Mets' 24th 32-wearer. (Trivia: as of this writing, Muniz is the 821st most popular look-up on the UMDb out of 821 players.)
An article cites #32 as "the most anonymous retired number among the four pro sports leagues"--Jim Umbricht, an Original Astro (or Colt .45), who died of cancer in '64. Another one calls it the most "scientifically" greatest uniform number, citing the sheer talent of past bearers.
Last year, #32 showed up on the backs of MLB players Erick Aybar, Jamie Walker, J.C. Romero, Bobby Kielty, Daryle Ward, LaTroy Hawkins, Virgil Vasquez, Brian Buscher, Shawn Chacon, Chris Young, Kevin Correia, Ron Mahay, Luis Mendoza, Shawn Riggans, Roy Halladay, and Chad Cordero. Meanwhile, Shaquille O'Neal continues to wear #32 in the NBA. These are all the 32s that I know reliably are playing currently.
Three "notable" 32s I have not mentioned previously but are cited by other sources are Bill Walton of the Portland Trail Blazers (NBA), Jack Tatum of the Oakland Raiders (NFL), and Julius Hodge while on the Denver Nuggets (NBA). Besides Koufax, Carlton and Umbricht, the only 32 retired by an MLB club is that of longtime Yankee coach Elston Howard. The NHL's only retired 32 belonged to Dale Hunter of the Washington Capitals. The NBA has retired the 32s of Kevin McHale, Brian Winters, Billy Cunningham, Sean Elliott, Fred Brown, Johnson, Erving and Walton. Meanwhile, Brown and Al Blozis are the only 32s retired by the NFL.
A list published on some time after that mentioned in the 16th post rearranged the order of the greatest #32s, dropping Jim Brown behind Magic Johnson and adding Walton to the list of runners-up. Accompanying the original list was an article that notes other standout 32s.
To cap this all off, a story: for Purim of 2001, I had run out of ideas and settled for a quickie costume: wearing a long undershirt transformed via the magic of a black marker into the uniform of my all-time favorite pitcher, Sandy Koufax. Problem was, I had no idea what his number was. Throwing caution to the wind, I hastily scribbled down #32 and went forth to Get Candy. I wore it once more for the next Purim too (below).
Imagine my surprise when, just a year after that, I received the "Baseball: An Illustrated History" book, and found within it a photograph of Sandy tossing a high fast one at the batter, shirt in plain sight, and displaying what else but the number... Thirty-Two!
TODAY'S BOOK: "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch", by Jean Lee Latham ((c) 1955)
Labels: 32, baseball, photo, picture, random
Monday, February 11, 2008
102nd post
Personally, I'm going to postpone any participation in competing in this until I learn better graphic arts (all I can do now is simple coloring). Maybe in about a year.
TODAY'S BOOK: "Extra Nutty! Even More Letters from a Nut", by Ted L. Nancy ((c) 2000)
Labels: biographical
Saturday, February 09, 2008
The tagline for this on YouTube says "Best Conspiracy Theory Ever"
TODAY'S BOOK: "The Shy Stegosaurus of Cricket Creek", by Evelyn Sibley Lampman ((c) 1955)
Labels: random
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Publication!, Phase II

Moving on from Quest, I have reached a bigger and better thing--namely, the ShiurTimes. I reached the Times via e-mail and offered my cartooning prowess; they accepted, giving in exchange no money but way more recognition than Quest. As a matter of fact, this is not my first 'toon to appear in it--I also had one in the January issue. However, the promised issue never arrived in the mail (as opposed to Feb.'s), so you'll have to make do with this.
[Background: Marwan Barghouti, the leader of the armed branch of Fatah, has been sitting in an Israeli jail since 2002 for a planned duration of five life sentences plus 40 years. Calls periodically come and go for (unfathomably) his release; the latest came a few months back when several politicians, including the pictured Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai, saying he should be released as part of a package deal for the kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. The cartoon is meant to highlight the absurdity of the reasoning behind the release calls.]
TODAY'S BOOK: "The Word Eater", by Mary Amato ((c) 2000)
Labels: biographical, cartoon
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
99th post
TODAY'S BOOK: "Fear No Evil", by Natan Sharansky ((c) 1988)
Labels: free association